Wiltshire Cricket to hold Strategy Cafe to help inform direction for 2020-2024
Following the launch of the Wiltshire Cricket Strategy 2020-2024 consultation document, we will also be holding a Strategy cafe on 12th November, providing clubs and associations with the opportunity to discuss sections of the strategy in more detail.
As a reminder, you can read about the launch of our strategy consultation document.
Also below are the links to the strategy consultation document and the consultation survey that sits alongside it...
- Wiltshire Cricket Strategy Consultation Document
- Wiltshire Cricket Strategy Consultation Feedback Form
The deadline for completing the feedback form is 21st October.
When is the Strategy Cafe?
Wiltshire Cricket Strategy Café
Tuesday 12th November 2019
7pm – 9pm
Assembly Room, Devizes Town Hall, St.John's Street, Devizes SN10 1BN

What is the Strategy Cafe?
A key part of the future consultation process will be the ‘Strategy Café’. This will give a wide section of stakeholders a genuine opportunity to review and refine all aspects of the Wiltshire Strategy Consultation document. How will it work? Delegates will form small groups, of around five or six individuals and be allocated a table, which will have an appointed host. Each group will be given one component of the strategy to discuss, identifying both further opportunities or potential challenges with that specific strategy component. After ten or fifteen minutes, delegates will be asked to attend a new table to talk about a different strategy component. The table host will provide a short summary of the previous discussion to the newly arrived delegates and then refinement of that first discussion will take place. This will enable an iterative understanding of the strategy to build up and rich feedback to be given to Wiltshire Cricket Limited. It also ensures all delegates have the opportunity to input across many or even all areas of the strategy. After three or four rotations, each table host will be invited to feedback key discussion points, which will then input to the final strategy document.
The strategy café will be facilitated by Hand and Millar Consulting (https://www.handmillarconsulting.co.uk)
How can I attend?
We really want to get a cross section of people involved with Wiltshire Cricket to attend this evening so we would be delighted if representatives from clubs and associations are able to attend. Please RSVP to Pete Sykes if you can make it by Monday 21st October. We will need to know confirmed attendees in order to plan the evening accordingly.