
Wiltshire Cricket Limited Safeguarding Statement

Wiltshire Cricket Limited is committed to safeguarding and protecting children, young people and adults at risk to enjoy the game of cricket. Wiltshire Cricket acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child, young person and adult at risk who has been entrusted to its care, and is committed to ensuring that all children, young people and adults at risk participating in cricket activities have a safe and positive experience.

Individually and collectively, we are signed up to the ECB Safe Hands Policy (and will continue to subscribe to any future versions of the policy) and are committed to deliver the ECB Safeguarding Standards as set out in the County Partnership Agreement.

We recognise our collective and individual safeguarding responsibilities and accountabilities.

We do this by:

Report a Safeguarding concern to Wiltshire Cricket

[email protected]

County Safeguarding Structure

Board Safeguarding Lead:

Dan Howells

Dan Howells

Non-Executive Director

  • Telephone 07540 083974

County Safeguarding Officer:

Iestyn Lewis

Iestyn Lewis

County Safeguarding Officer

Deputy Safeguarding Officer:

This is the individual or individuals that will deputise in the event of the County Safeguarding Officer being on leave or unavailable.