ECB Safe Hands Management System

What is the Safe Hands Management System?

The Safe Hands Management System (SHMS) has been introduced to support clubs with ensuring individuals and volunteers have valid qualifications for their roles. This single, central record will bring together IT systems from across the game sharing information on DBS, Safeguarding Young Cricketers and Safe Hands qualifications to start with. Further qualifications (First Aid, Coaching Qualifications) will be added in future updates. Clubs will be required to register the details of individuals in regulated roles or those with responsibilities for the management and running of the club’s activities.

Although the current SHMS has not replaced the Clubmark process, the two are very closely linked and further information can be sent to clubs interested in achieving clubmark accreditation. 

What benefits are there to clubs by registering to the Safe Hands Management System?

Why is the ECB making Safe Hands Management System a requirement?

Eventually, all affiliated clubs will be expected to work through the Safe Hands Management System. Why is this ...

Safeguarding children across all cricket networks is an ECB priority, it is also a legal requirement under the Children Act 1989. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 places a specific requirement on sports organisations, to ensure they have minimum safeguarding standards in place.

The process will enable the ECB as the national governing body to provide consistent credibility to those organisations which meet the required standards of safeguarding.

We have a responsibility to demonstrate that cricket is a safe sport for everyone. The SHMS process will help us to understand where we are with this and demonstrate that we have a safe sport for children and those around them.

How do I register my Club?

The SHMS is currently undergoing a phased roll out but if you would like to be registered, please contact our SHMS lead, Sam Dent:

Sam Dent

Sam Dent

Cricket Development Manager (Clubs, Programmes, Women's and Girls)

You will be required to identify a lead club administrator for the SHMS:

The nominated Club Administrator at each Cricket Club will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Club Information (Address/Contact Details)
  2. Enter all Club Contacts and assign roles accordingly
  3. Teams / Programmes run by the club
  4. Any venues used by the club
  5. Complete Insurance Risk Assessment
  6. Communicate the use of the SHMS to your Club Officials and explain the requirement for them to register and accept their role
  7. Monitor compliance of all officials against DBS and Qualifications required for each role
  8. Work alongside your Primary County Cricket Board and County Welfare Officer to develop your Club and Officials to ensure maximum compliance to meet the Policy and Standards outlined by ECB Safe Hands Policy and Procedures
  9. Actively follow up on any outstanding invitations, DBS applications and Course Bookings as required.
  10. Maintain your Club/Officials details by logging into the SHMS periodically.