Wiltshire Cricket Golf Day is huge success in raising money for the Wiltshire Cricket Talent Pathway Support Fund
On Friday 23rd September, Wiltshire Cricket ran its annual Golf Day at Cumberwell Park Golf Club, with this year's event specifically raising funds for the new Wiltshire Cricket Talent Pathway Support Fund.
In recognition of the significant financial costs that accompany being involved with talent pathway cricket, the Support Fund was launched earlier this year to help parents and children who may find costs associated with winter coaching, summer matchplay, clothing and equipment prohibitive. More information about our Talent Pathway Support Fund, including how to access it can be found here, or you can obtain more information by contacting Pete Sykes:

In terms of the Golf Day itself, having previously held events at North Wilts Golf Club we were delighted to move to Cumberwell Park in 2022 for our biggest event yet.
Competing across the day were 21 four ball teams. Wiltshire Cricket would like to thank all competing teams for their support in making the day such a success. We would also like to thank our event sponsors:
Tuttle Architectural Services

The format of the day was as follows:
- Team Competition
- Full Handicap allowance based on Course Handicap for the day
- Best 2 scores to count on each hole apart from the final hole when all 4 scores will count
Following a close affair, our congratulations go to the team representing "South Wilts CC Juniors" who came out as winners on the day.
Following completion of the Golf, it was upstairs for a fantastic two course evening meal, which was then followed by a raffle, a live auction and the announcement of the winners of a silent auction. Wiltshire Cricket would like to take this opportunity to thanks the many organisations and individuals who donated such fantastic prizes.
We would also like to thak Ged Montgomery, and his wife Kay and son Sean who did so much to prepare for the organisation of the day and who administered the raffle and auctions after the completion of the dinner.
In total, thanks to to the competing teams, those who donated prizes, and all those who entered the raffle and auctions, Wiltshire Cricket is delighted to announce that a total of £6,660.71 was raised; an amazing effort that will benefit many young cricketers in the years to come.