Wiltshire Cricket Safeguarding Update
Wiltshire Cricket's County Safeguarding Officer, Iestyn Lewis, issues an update to clubs together with some helpful resources for Club Safeguarding Officers.
Message from Iestyn Lewis, Wiltshire Cricket County Safeguarding Officer
For information of Club CSOs ...
I hope this message finds you having some rest after a busy season of cricket. If you are no longer the CSO or club contact for safeguarding could you please let me know, I can then update my records and ensure that important information gets to the correct person within your club.
I am sending this message to introduce (or for many of you to reintroduce) myself as the Wiltshire Cricket County Safeguarding Officer.
I will be sending a range of communications to CSOs over the course of the year. These will be a variety of information, support, and opportunities for CPD.
Attached below are a few documents:
ECB Positions of Trust update:
ECB Positions of Trust Update Summer 2022
This document refers to the changes to those covered by the ‘position of trust’ definition to anyone who “coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs on a regular basis in a sport or religion”. This change means that coaches and supervisors are now covered by this legislation
Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport:
Keeping your Child Safe in Sport
A guide with links to the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit guidance on how to help adults keep their children safe in sport.
7-minute-briefing - Harmful Gambling:
7 Minute Briefing - Harmful Gambling
This is a short document based on research, which suggests that seven minutes is an ideal time span to concentrate and learn. Learning for seven minutes is manageable in most situations, and learning is more memorable as it is simple and not clouded by other issues and pressures. I hope to forward further briefings through the year (if you have a particular topic that you think is of interest please let me know).
General Safeguarding Knowledge Briefing:
Safeguarding Update October 2022
Some links to a range of resources and news relating to safeguarding. These can help those working or volunteering with children and young people understand changes to safeguarding and child protection policy and guidance. They also summarise key research and reports from independent bodies such as Ofsted or the Care Inspectorate.
Each briefing will outline some key findings, guidance or updates to guidance to help you gain new insight to your safeguarding practice.
Reminder of Safeguarding Section of Website
The Safeguarding section of our website contains lots of information and will also be updated as and when we release new information.