Wiltshire Cricket opens their Women and Girls’ Indoor league registrations!

Wiltshire Cricket opens their Women and Girls’ Indoor league registrations

Each year, Wiltshire Cricket hosts a 6-aside indoor cricket league for Women's and Girls' cricket teams across Wiltshire. The competition provides each team with an opportunity to practice, refine and challenge their skills in a friendly and sociable environment.

As the 2024 summer season has come to an end, we look onto the winter season and the exciting indoor opportunities which are available.

NEW to 2025 Wiltshire Cricket are introducing a Women’s Indoor Hardball league held during the week from January to March.

Alongside this new hardball league a Girls Indoor Softball Pairs league will run on Sunday mornings from November to December and a Women’s Indoor Softball Pairs league will be run on Sunday mornings from January to March

All clubs across Wiltshire are invited to take part in the Women's and Girls’ Indoor Cricket Competition each year.

For more information on Wiltshire Crickets Indoor League opportunities, please contact Women and Girls Development Officer, Thea Hopkins

Thea Hopkins

Thea Hopkins

Women and Girls Development Officer