ECB and Initial extend period dignity campaign across recreational cricket

In June, the ECB and Initial announced a strategic partnership to bring period dignity to grassroots cricket.

We collectively have a shared ambition to ensure that menstruation is not something that holds women and girls back from getting involved in sports – this is all part of making cricket the most inclusive team sport in the UK.

The ECB and Initial are supplying “In Cubicle Period Dignity Dispensers” to ECB affiliated cricket clubs with a girls’ section in England and Wales, along with the servicing of period waste bins – free of charge.

These dispensers provide free and discreet access to period products within the toilet cubicle, which, for those who menstruate, is at the point of need.

Clubs will also be provided with educational materials to help ensure menstrual cycle taboos are a thing of the past.

The Free Offer:

For cricket clubs that have a girls’ section, you are eligible to access this offer.

Your club will receive the following free of charge:

  • The Installation of In Cubicle Period Dignity Dispensers for up to two cubicles (one dispenser per cubicle)
  • One set of period products upon installation including tampons, sanitary towels, biodegradable personal wipes and biodegradable bags.
  • Provision of up to one refill of products per dispenser, per year until June 2026.
  • The installation of feminine hygiene units (period waste bins) for up to two cubicles (one period waste bin per cubicle that has an In cubicle dignity dispenser).
  • A regular waste collection service of the feminine hygiene units (period waste bins) until June 2026.
  • The installation of two toilet cubicle door A4 poster frames and the delivery of educational materials – one poster letting women and girls know to help themselves to the products when they need them, the other covering topics such as “let’s Talk periods- myths and truths”.

Next Steps

  • Step 1: To access the free offer, please visit and complete the online registration form by 5pm on 30th October.
  • Step 2: On receipt of the registration of interest form, the ECB will carry out a few quick validation checks to ensure that the eligibility criteria is met.
  • Step 3: Once complete, Initial will use the contact details and other relevant information provided on the form to contact clubs direction to make the necessary arrangements such as arranging installation, waste collection and provide customer service support.
  • Step 4: Installation and delivery will take place on an agreed day and time.

If you have questions regarding the offer, please visit or contact Sam Dent:

Sam Dent

Sam Dent

Cricket Development Manager (Clubs, Programmes, Women's and Girls)