We are looking for qualified coaches to support in delivery of Wiltshire Cricket programmes

The breadth of Wiltshire Cricket's work is ever increasing but with this increase in programmes that we deliver we would also like to increase the number of coaches available to work on behalf of Wiltshire Cricket. Therefore, if you are a qualified coach interested in being paid to work on some of our key programmes, please read on ....

Coaching Opportunities

Dear Coaches,

The 2024 season is finally here and the sunshine has started to come out – we hope you’re coaching sessions have gone well so far!

As we look ahead into the summer, Wiltshire Cricket are preparing to deliver a number of exciting programmes across the county, and with this comes a number of opportunities for coaches to be involved with the delivery of coaching programmes. Wiltshire Cricket are therefore inviting “Expressions of Interest” from coaches, of all levels/experiences, who may be interested in coaching, in paid roles in Wiltshire throughout the summer, Autumn and Winter.

As the summer progresses, Wiltshire Cricket are looking to deliver a variety of programmes, with the key initiatives being:

  • Street Cricket in Swindon (Paid Role, Weekly Sessions, playing indoor cricket for 8-12 year olds, 5-6pm on Wednesdays).
  • MCC Foundation Hubs (Paid Role, Weekly Sessions, starting in Autumn 2024, both boys & girls hubs. Times, dates & venues TBC).
  • Super 1s Hubs (Voluntary & Paid Roles, Weekly sessions at Swindon, Westbury, Chippenham and Salisbury for Disability Cricket. A great opportunity to enhance your coaching CV and make a real difference for individuals in Wiltshire).

How to get involved - express your interest now

We would be delighted to hear from any coaches who would be interested in coaching on the above programmes – please contact Sam Dent to to express an interest in the roles:

Sam Dent

Sam Dent

Cricket Development Manager (Clubs, Programmes, Women's and Girls)

Coaches of all ages, experiences and locations are invited to express an interest – we would love to chat about the opportunities in further detail.

Following the receipt of your EOI, we will be in contact with some further information about each of the sessions and discuss each of the roles further.

More Information about the programmes

Street Cricket – Street Cricket is a weekly session, delivered throughout the year for children aged 8-12 years old in Swindon. The programme is free for children, and aims to provide an additional cricket opportunity for children living in urban areas to access cricket. The Street Cricket sessions are designed to be fun, active and centre around match-play opportunities, meaning there is lots of chance to play games. The programme has a whole also includes regional and national competitions, with our Swindon team qualifying for national finals in 2023, and finishing runners-up in the regional competition in 2024. The group are fantastic and love playing cricket and we’d be delighted to provide further opportunities for this group by growing our coaching support for these sessions. For more information about Street Cricket, please visit: https://chancetoshine.org/chance-to-shine-street/

MCC Foundation Hubs – Wiltshire Cricket will be launching new MCC Foundations hubs later in 2024, and whilst the details are still to be confirmed, we would like to invite expressions of interest from coaches across the county to be involved with these sessions. The hubs will provide opportunities for players not involved with County Age Group Squads to access regular high-quality coaching, with the ambition that the hubs form another level to the talent pathway and support players who may wish to play representative cricket in the future. For more information about MCC Foundation Hubs, please visit: https://www.lords.org/mcc/mcc-foundation/mcc-foundation-in-the-uk

Super 1s Hubs – Our Super 1s hubs provide access to cricket for individuals with a disability, in four areas of the county; Swindon, Chippenham, Westbury & Salisbury. Our hubs are delivered each week throughout the year, both indoors (during winter) and outdoors (during summer). The hubs welcome between 5-15 individuals to each session and create opportunities for the players to engage with cricket, socialise and for many, access sport during the week. Coaches working on this programme make a huge difference to the individuals, helping them to be active, develop personal skills, confidence and independence. For more information about our Super 1s hubs, please visit: https://www.wiltshirecricket.co.uk/disability/super-1s.html