Wiltshire Cricket launches Player's Survey and invites recreational cricketers from across Wiltshire to provide their views on Cricket across the county

Wiltshire Cricket Strategy 2025 - 2029: Playing Survey


Wiltshire Cricket is in the process of developing our strategy for 2025 – 2029. This will align closely to the recently updated ECB strategy, Inspiring Generations, but will also contain locally developed plans with targets and ambitions that are relevant and specific to Wiltshire. Since the launch of our last strategy, Driving Cricket’s Future, in 2020, Wiltshire Cricket has grown enormously. Our development team has doubled in size, we have professionalised and diversified the governance of the Cricket Board, and most importantly the breadth of our work has increased significantly. As we look ahead to the next four years, we want to start from a position of articulating really clearly what our purpose is. This will help us to make strategic decisions around how and where we allocate the limited resource that we have, both people and finance, within our team so as to make the most meaningful impact possible in our next strategic cycle.   

To help guide this process, we have spent some time in recent months developing our new vision and mission statements, as well as agreeing a new set of company values to help inform how we will work in the years to come. We are pleased to share the outcome of this work below:

Our vision of making Cricket the most accessible and enjoyed Sport in Wiltshire is closely aligned to ECB’s overarching strategic ambition of making Cricket the most inclusive team Sport in England and Wales. However, to assess how well our Sport is performing, and to understand better what will make people feel included, it is critical that we understand the views of recreational cricketers up and down Wiltshire. Through hearing your views it will help to shape the work that we need to with our leagues, clubs and with regards to our playing offers.

We have a deadline of Monday 20th January 2025 for responses to be received.


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For more information about our Strategy work, our Playing survey or other feedback you may wish to provide to help inform our Strategy development, please contact Pete Sykes: