Wiltshire Cricket releases School Impact report from 2022-2023 academic year
As our new academic year gets underway, let's hope it is as good as last year. The 2022/23 academic year was a fantastic one for Wiltshire Cricket; all of which you can read about in our school impact report:

Wiltshire Cricket School Impact Report 2022-2023
Within this report we talk about our Chance to Shine Whole School programme, Chance to Shine Engagement Days, Playground Leaders, Indoor and Outdoor Primary School competitions, Secondary School competitions and Girls secondary school cricket programmes.
At Wiltshire Cricket we are a proud delivery partner of both Chance to Shine and ECB and as the 2023-2024 academic year begins we look forward to building on our success from last year. For more information on any of the programmes detailed in our 2022-2023 Impact report and how your school may be able to get involved in the future, please contact Ali Goddard:

Ali Goddard
Cricket Development Manager (Schools, Junior Cricket, Coach Development)
- [email protected]
- 07786 361222