Our Strategy 2020-2024

Wiltshire Cricket launched it's strategy; Driving Cricket's Future in March 2020. The strategy sets out the ambitions for Wiltshire Cricket for the period 2020-2024 and aligns closely to ECB's Inspiring Generations.
During the process of producing our strategy we aimed to achieve the following in the final document:
- A Strategy that shows COLLABORATION across the county
- A Strategy that is a UNIFIED plan for the whole county
- A Strategy that demonstrates the ways of working between all STAKEHOLDERS in and across counties
- A Strategy that shows how all elements of INSPIRING GENERATIONS are going to be delivered in the county
- A Strategy that shows clear ACCOUNTABILITY in the county for all elements of Inspiring Generations
The activities within our strategy are split in to 13 different priority areas; each of which can be seen below. Against each priority are some clear targets for 2024 and also clear lines of accountability.