Are your qualifications up to date?

Coaches must renew their First Aid course, Safeguarding qualification and online ECB DBS vetting check every three years. 

If yours have run out or are running out:

First Aid courses

Safeguarding courses

DBS Vetting Check

All DBS applications should now be completed online. 

Coaches and other volunteers – if you need to complete a DBS application, the following information is required:

  1. Full Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Preferred Email Address
  4. Club affiliation

Please email this information to your Club Welfare Officer who will be able to send you an online DBS application link, providing they are registered as an online DBS verifier.

If your CWO is not an online DBS verifier, email the contacts below with the above information and they will be able to set up a DBS application for you:

Ali Goddard

Ali Goddard

Cricket Development Manager (Schools, Junior Cricket, Coach Development)

Aled Evans

Aled Evans

Community Coach / All Stars Champion

Sam Dent

Sam Dent

Cricket Development Manager (Clubs, Programmes, Women's and Girls)