
ounty Cricket Boards (CCBs), Leagues and Competition Organisers now have the ability to act quickly by taking action against clubs failing to comply with UK Government and/or ECB guidance on the return to cricket.

During the pandemic, the ECB has been working to three principles:

Since returning, the vast majority of clubs and teams have been operating within the guidance. It is essential that a minority do not bring the threat of cessation of cricket for others. Clubs or teams operating outside of requirements can be brought back into ‘safe operation’ quickly or risk the loss of support, maintaining ECBs commitment to safe standards of operation.  

CCBs, Leagues and Competition Organisers can now use the fast acting ‘Special Measures’ following a second breach of the ECB or UK Government guidance.

Note: This includes participants having returned from some countries or territories requiring a period of quarantine.  

Further details on how the Special Measures will work can be found here