Clubmark accreditation recognises cricket clubs that are safe, effective and child friendly when it comes to delivering junior cricket.
What does it mean to work towards and achieve ECB Clubmark?
ECB Clubmark intends to build upon the current practices within your club. Each cricket club that registers to work towards ECB Clubmark will approach the process in a different way and be embarking on the process from different starting positions. ECB Clubmark takes this in to account allowing you to work through the process at your own pace utilising existing polices and procedures within your cricket club.
Why Clubmark?
“Clubmark shows that a club is sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for its members. Clubmark accreditation also means your club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents and carers that they are choosing the right option for their young people.”
What does Clubmark stand for?
Higher standards of welfare, equity, coaching and management in community sports Clubs
Making sure the nation’s sports Club infrastructure is safer, stronger and more successful
It shows that a Club provides the right environment which ensures the welfare of members and encourages everyone to enjoy sport and stay involved throughout their lives.
An accredited Club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages as well as helping parents and carers know that they’re choosing the right Club for their young people
Benefits of Clubmark
The development of clear goals and objectives can be communicated to all Club members and the wider community. This highlights the Club’s focus and ambition for the future and provides a solid foundation for all Clubs wishing to grow
The analysis of the current workforce ensures all training is up to date and the Club is operating at its best
Adopting more organised systems and structures will help the Club run more efficiently and effectively
Addressing issues such as equity and child protection should increase parents confidence when choosing the correct Club for their child
Updating policies, training and systems shows confidence and increased productivity. This in turn attracts schools and local authorities who must ensure quality and child friendly systems and procedures
Clubmark will assist you to have strategies for recruitment of new members
Some leisure operators and local authorities may give priority and at times discount to Clubmark accredited Clubs
Clubmark provides recognition for high quality Clubs
Members can be sure their club is a well-managed Club, striving to offer the best in coaching and sports development
There are tangible benefits such as access to the Active Kids scheme where Clubs can apply for equipment
For more information on Clubmark, please contact Sam Dent:
Sam Dent
Cricket Development Manager (Clubs, Programmes, Women's and Girls)