
Clubmark accreditation recognises cricket clubs that are safe, effective and child friendly when it comes to delivering junior cricket.

What does it mean to work towards and achieve ECB Clubmark?

ECB Clubmark intends to build upon the current practices within your club. Each cricket club that registers to work towards ECB Clubmark will approach the process in a different way and be embarking on the process from different starting positions. ECB Clubmark takes this in to account allowing you to work through the process at your own pace utilising existing polices and procedures within your cricket club.

Why Clubmark?

“Clubmark shows that a club is sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for its members. Clubmark accreditation also means your club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents and carers that they are choosing the right option for their young people.”

What does Clubmark stand for?

Benefits of Clubmark

For more information on Clubmark, please contact Sam Dent:

Sam Dent

Sam Dent

Cricket Development Manager (Clubs, Programmes, Women's and Girls)