COVID-19 - ECB Emergency Support for Clubs and Leagues

Emergency Loan Scheme

The ECB Emergency Loan Scheme aims to support affiliated Cricket Clubs by providing interest free loans to assist clubs to cover any shortfall in essential day to day running and maintenance costs until normal recreational cricket activity can be resumed.

Clubs should apply here.

Return to Cricket Grant Scheme

The Return to Cricket Grant Scheme aims to provide affiliated cricket clubs and leagues (open-age and junior) with emergency assistance in exceptional circumstances.  Full eligibility criteria can be found in the Guidance Notes.  

Clubs and leagues can find out more information here.

How Wiltshire Cricket will help

Emergency Loan Scheme

When a loan application is received through the ECB Investment Management System, we will confirm the club is affiliated to Wiltshire Cricket, and that the information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge.  Once we have validated the club's affiliation, the application will be progressed to the ECB Facilities Investment Team.

Return to Cricket Grant Scheme

Wiltshire Cricket will be the first point of call when applying to the grant scheme, providing eligible organisations with an Application Form. Once completed, organisations will submit their Application Form to their ECB Regional Facilities Planning Manager for review. Contact details can be found in the Guidance Notes.

FAQs and Helpdesk

Frequency Asked Questions for both schemes can be found here (Emergency Loan Scheme) and here (Return to Cricket Grant Scheme).

In addition, if you have any questions about either scheme, please contact the ECB Facilities Help Desk by emailing the relevant contact below: